Both sexes stress over their hair. Male pattern baldness affects millions of men worldwide and is a severe health problem that needs to be addressed. 

10 Early Signs Of Hair Loss That Can Help You Prevent Baldness!

October 12, 2022 by Dr. Sandeep Bhasin


Both sexes stress over their hair. Male pattern baldness affects millions of men worldwide and is a severe health problem that needs to be addressed. 

But, of course, hair loss can also affect women as they age. Watch out for the following ten hair loss symptoms. So you can start your hair loss treatment as quickly as possible.

  1. A receding hairline. Generally noticed when one cannot stylize it like before, the receding hairline makes the hairline shallower with every passing week.
  2. Consistent hair falls above general average loss.
  3. Scalp that becomes more visible every passing day
  4. An itchy scalp is a symptom of other skin issues too.
  5. Clumps of hair get stuck to your fingers when you run them through your scalp.
  6. Abnormal hair curls are a symptom of hair loss in males.
  7. Hair thinning can be noticed when you part your hair.
  8. Aging
  9. A sudden lightness in your hair is noticed when you comb or brush it.
  10. Certain Medical conditions

There is no reason to worry even if you spot hair fall symptoms. With advanced medical science, there are solutions to nearly every cosmetic problem one faces daily. 

Hence, even if you spot hair fall and are worried about baldness, you should stop worrying and begin exploring the available solutions.

Is hair loss a symptom of any disease?

Yes. Alopecia areata is a disorder in which the immune system assaults hair follicles (the structures responsible for maintaining hair on the scalp), resulting in hair loss. The gradual loss of hair characterizes the autoimmune disorder. 

Hair thinning can occur anywhere on the body, not only on the scalp and on the nares and auricle. Some people experience a loss of eyebrow or eyelash hair. It could be a reason for hair fall in males and females.

What are the leading causes of hair fall?

Leading Causes of Hair Fall

With the toxic environment in metropolitan cities, one typically experiences a loss of 50 to 100 hairs daily. Often it is not noticeable at the start as new hair replaces the fallen ones simultaneously. Hair loss results when the newer ones do not replace the lost hair. There are many reasons for hair fall in males and females; found below are 17 reasons.

  1. Due to Hereditary and medical reasons is Androgenic Alopecia
  2. Due to aging 
  3. Cancer treatments
  4. Due to frequent illnesses 
  5. Due to stress in day-to-day life
  6. Due to introducing artificial ingredients through perming, coloring, etc.
  7. Due to the pulling of hair strands on your scalp
  8. Due to hormonal imbalances
  9. As a side effect of strong medication
  10. Due to inflammation in the scalp 
  11. Due to scalp psoriasis
  12. Due to sexually transmitted infections
  13. Due to scarring alopecia which is also known as cicatricial alopecia.
  14. Lack of Iron, Zinc, Protein, and Biotin
  15. Due to Thyroid
  16. Due to slow poisoning
  17. Due to friction and there are also causes of hair fall in summer or seasonal changes

No matter the reason for your hair fall, you can always opt for Alopecia areata’s latest treatments for baldness that provide you with healthy and beautiful hair. Knowing the cause and addressing the issue early is essential to avoid complete baldness.

Read More: Winter Hair Care Tips Mistakes Everyone Makes

What are the hair fall reasons in females?

Hair Fall Reasons in Female

Hair loss in women is due to the following reasons:

  1. Hairstyle: The hair is pulled at its roots to suit various hairstyles, like Ponytails, Cornrows, etc. It may lead to follicle damage, and “traction alopecia” occurs, leading to permanent hair loss. 
  2. Anagen Effluvium: Hair loss occurs due to Chemotherapy, Medication, Radiation therapy, and toxic substances. Hair fall reasons in females due to Anagen Effluvium is not restricted to the scalp but to any part of the body where hair is starting to grow. It can also lead to follicle damage, thus making your hair loss a permanent one, and also causes hair to fall from roots.
  3. Telogen Effluvium: Telogen Effluvium is caused by physical stress, weight loss, certain surgeries, if the person is suffering from anemia, or if she is pregnant and about to deliver a baby. Apart from this, there are mental illnesses that cause hair loss, abnormal thyroid, medications that are meant to cure gout, and blood pressure. Vitamin A, which exceeds normal proportions, also causes hair fall. In addition, intake of pills intended for birth control, hormonal changes during pregnancy, or menopause.
  4. FPHL or Female Pattern Hair Loss:
    1. Family genes predominantly attack the top section of your head and thin the hair strands
    2. Hormonal changes due to age
    3. Estrogen loss due to menopause setting in
  5. Alopecia Areata: leads to patchy hair loss on any body part, but it is a temporary feature.


From the above, it can be easily understood that there is no single reason for hair fall or loss but multiple reasons. Such occurrences can act singly or combine to permanently and temporarily cause hair loss. The weather also plays a role and is a cause of hair fall in summer.

At what age does balding start?

There is a very high percentage of bald males by age. Men of various ages struggle with hair loss, and many questions if their particular period is “normal” for the onset of male pattern baldness. In addition, many men wonder if and when they will start to go bald. The psychological and physiological effects of hair fall on men are well known. 

When men lose their hair and begin to bald, it is usually due to a genetic condition called male pattern baldness. Therefore, many men want to see the onset of male-pattern baldness.

Many males are curious about the onset of male-pattern baldness. Unfortunately, there is no easy answer to this. Typical male pattern baldness manifests in a gradually thinning hairline. The hair around the eyes (the crown) begins to thin, creating a horseshoe appearance as the scalp recedes. Hair follicle atrophy causes male pattern baldness.

Androgenic hormones are to blame for the reduction in size since they interrupt hair development cycles. All males are susceptible to the onset of male pattern baldness. However, it often manifests between the ages of 25 and 35. Some drugs do stop hair loss and, in some cases, even boost growth.

  • Balding as a result of Hormonal Imbalance
    Hormonal imbalance accelerates male pattern baldness. Dihydrotestosterone (DHT) is an androgenic hormone that causes hair follicles to become smaller. The body creates DHT from testosterone, thus causing the imbalance.
  • Genetics
    You might wonder, ‘Will I go bald if my dad is?’ Numerous scientific research points to the substantial role of genetics in developing male baldness and the androgen receptor (AR) gene linked to balding. Since the AR gene is part of the X chromosome, it is maternally passed down in males.
  • Nutritional Deficiency
    An unhealthy diet can cause hair loss in men. An abundance of vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients is essential for hair development. Such a diet should have the following in it:
    • Iron
    • Vitamin D
    • Vitamin E
    • Vitamin A
    • Zinc
    • Niacin
    • Folic Acid
    • Biotin
    • Amino Acids and Proteins
    • Antioxidants
    • Selenium
  • Illness
    Illnesses are various types, and hair loss does occur while experiencing so. Therefore, one has to distinguish between permanent and temporary hair loss during such illnesses.
    • Autoimmune disorders illness: They trigger both Alopecia Areata & Toxic Alopecia, resulting in hair loss. But it is temporary, and the hair does grow back.
    • Prostate and other cardiac diseases: When these occur, the person’s androgenetic hormones shoot up alarmingly to cause hair fall, and such hair loss is permanent!
    • Infections: Certain infections and diseases trigger Telogen Effluvium, which results in heavy loss of hair. Yet again, it is a temporary phenomenon only that could last six months. Anything beyond that is called “chronic Telogen Effluvium.”

Is balding in the 25s to 30s normal?

At what age do men start balding? One should be aware that the balding process begins between the periods mentioned above. 

It’s between the 25’s to 30’s one introduces lifestyles into their life which would last for a long time. One might even start seeing signs of balding at 20. Thus, 

  • An improper diet 
  • Hormonal changes
  • Ignoring hair management
  • Adapting to a new style that is more cosmetic than healthy for the hair (perming, bleaching, etc.)
  • Becoming susceptible to diseases that would play a role later.
  • Child delivery.

A few of these may not lie under your control, but the symptom is identical for all. Hair thinning! It is best to approach an expert to sustain hair growth and halt the balding process.


Scalp hair receives the lowest priority in anatomy. People take it for granted, and you would not notice for several years that you are balding in your prime of life. It is best not to ignore your hair and take corrective measures as early as possible. There is a very high percentage of bald males in India, and you do not want to be a part of that as early as your 20s. So, take proper measures right from the start to avoid age-related balding.

Which vitamin deficiency causes hair loss?

The deficiency of specific vitamins does lead to hair loss on the scalp. Therefore, it is vital to know which vitamin deficiency causes hair loss. In some instances, even eyelashes experience shedding. 

This is because the vitamins strengthen the hair follicles, and their lack produces adverse results. Here are the essential vitamins and minerals to prevent hair loss naturally

  • Vitamin D: Vitamin D’s absence causes hair thinning and the growth of hair. 
  • Zinc: Lack of Zinc causes hair thinning, and the strands break down quickly.
  • Selenium: Considered a rare deficiency, Selenium becomes a hurdle for the Thyroid to function correctly. Eventually, such disruption leads to hypothyroidism. In addition, hypothyroidism prevents certain hormones from being produced, which results in hair loss.
  • Iron: Iron is the most critical of all in this list. Hemoglobin is required to transport essential nutrients and oxygen to the hair follicles. Therefore, a lack of Iron translates into poorer hemoglobin, resulting in the hair follicles being undernourished.

If lack of vitamins is your cause of hair fall, you can opt to incorporate the vitamin into your daily diet. There are also several supplements available that you can opt for. This might not boost your hair growth but will undoubtedly reduce the cause of hair fall.

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Does B12 deficiency cause hair loss?

The primary function of Vitamin B12 is to keep your red cell blood count perfect. With the red blood cells perfect, it ensures oxygen transportation to the hair follicles., 

similar to what Iron does. A scalp that is rich in oxygen prevents the loss of hair and promotes hair growth too.


Vitamins are essential to prevent hair loss and promote growth. The emphasis on vitamins is both for hair maintenance and overall health. Hair loss and female vitamin deficiency are nothing else but Vitamin D deficiency.

What food causes hair loss?

Nothing but the food you consume provides either good or bad results for your hair. You might be wondering, does salty food cause hair loss? Or does oily food cause hair loss? 

Rather than believing in myths, it is best to know the list of ‘dangerous’ foods that accelerates hair loss scientifically. Some foods that cause pattern baldness or baldness, in general, are as below:

  • Diary products that have large amounts of fat.
  • Sugar lowers blood circulation and prevents nutrition to hair follicles.
  • Refined carbs, which promote stress and turn into sugar later. 
  • Nuts that are allergic to you and ones that are abundant in Selenium.
  • Swordfish contains the mineral” Mercury” in them and cause zinc deficiency. 
  • Greasy food consumption greases the “ Sebum “, that the scalp releases for hair and skin goodness. Such ‘ greasing’ leads to ‘ greasy ‘ hair and eventually hair loss. 
  • Carbonated drinks increase sugar in your blood by lowering insulin. Blood circulation experiences difficulties that lead to a lack of nourishment for hair follicles.
  • Alcohol of any kind that pushes down zinc and dehydrates your hair

Your diet is something that highly affects the health of your hair. If you do not take a balanced diet, you can experience several ill effects. Your hair can look damaged, and you might as well experience hair fall. 

Thus, how can one control hair fall? The ideal solution is to understand what food items affect your hair the most. Once you have your list of food items, you can apply it to add or eliminate ingredients from your diet.

Can food cause hair thinning?

Foods that cause hair thinning and eventually hair loss are listed below:

  • Fish that are mercury-rich 
  • Fried foods and red meat trigger the oil glands, thus greasing the sebum
  • Simple carbohydrates that are high in sugar

If certain food items cause hair fall, others boost hair growth. You can eliminate the ingredients that cause hair fall and add the ones that promote hair growth. Some food items stimulating hair growth include avocado, sweet potatoes, seeds, spinach, berries, eggs, etc.

Does salty food cause hair loss?

There is a belief that salt causes hair fall. However, it is a myth that salty food leads to hair loss. There is no conclusive evidence to prove that salty food is bad for hair. On the contrary, excess of anything is unhealthy. 

Extremely high amounts of salt might damage hair to an extent. Sodium can deposit around the hair follicle and stop essential nutrients from nourishing the follicles. Thus, excessive salt can prevent your hair from being sustained. Conclusively, one must pay attention to proper nutrition for healthy hair growth.

Does oily food cause hair loss?

Oily and junk food items are loaded with monounsaturated and saturated fats. Such fats do not just cause obesity and other cardiovascular ailments; they can also lead to hair fall. Additionally, junk and oily food can also make your scalp greasy. An oily scalp might lead to pores clogging and shrinking of hair follicles.

Does rice cause hair loss?

White and brown rice is suitable for the hair and prevents them from thinning. It is because there are a certain amount of amino acids in rice, which are the building blocks of protein. In fact, brown rice or any other whole grain is rich in silicon. 

Silicon is a nourishing compound responsible for imparting shiny, thick hair. This mineral keeps your beautiful hair from thinning and helps in enhancing blood circulation to the hair. An increased blood flow to the scalp further encourages the growth of healthy, shiny hair.

Which nuts cause hair loss?

Nuts do not cause hair loss as they are rich in Selenium. However, Selenium is required only in small quantities, and consumption of nuts in excess would lead to hair loss. A few of these nuts are listed below:

  • Brazil Nuts 
  • Walnuts
  • Flax seeds
  • Chia seeds 
  • Almonds

Hence, it would help if you incorporated consuming healthy nuts into your daily diet. On the contrary, ensure not to over to consume them as overeating poses disadvantages. 

You can consult a specialist to know the optimum amount and discuss the topic in detail.


Foods play a vital role in preventing hair loss and promoting hair growth. You should know the quantity you should consume to keep the balance perfect.

Can low testosterone cause baldness?

The natural drop in testosterone levels in males is generally harmless once they cross 30 years of age. However, insufficient testosterone levels can disrupt your daily life, health, and relationships by causing various symptoms, including hair loss.

Food causes hair loss, and inadequate levels of the male hormone testosterone are common causes of hair loss. Hair thinning can have multiple reasons, including age and a lack of testosterone. New bald spots may appear, or the hair on other parts of your body may begin to decrease.

Does high testosterone cause hair loss in females?

Both sexes experience the hormonal process of converting testosterone to DHT, damaging hair follicles. Women typically have a tiny fraction of the testosterone that males do. Still, even a low dose can stimulate hair loss in females due to Dihydrotestosterone (DHT), as DHT is almost five times more potent than standard testosterone.

Short Summary

One should be aware of the cause of hair loss. In the process, they should also know about biological processes like hormone production and cycles. Hormone levels in women gradually decrease leading up to menopause and then drop drastically once menopause begins. For several reasons, you may notice a temporary increase in hair loss despite experiencing a gradual slowing of hair loss over time. While using a medication that manages hair loss, you should also become cautious with foods that cause male pattern baldness.

What shampoo can cause hair loss?

Although many people have speculated that one or more specific elements in a product caused their hair to fall out, no firm link has yet been established. The list of shampoos that can cause hair loss are:

Shampoos that contain Formaldehyde in keratin hair products

Formaldehyde and formaldehyde releasers are included in some salon-applied keratin hair-smoothing procedures (commonly known as “Brazilian blowouts”) (like DMDM hydantoin). 

For several customers, using these items has been linked to hair loss and itchy scalp. Products containing DMDM hydantoin have been the subject of class action lawsuits over claims that they cause hair loss and irritation to the scalp. All of the following are included in this category:

  • Unilever TRESemmé keratin shampoo and conditioners
  • Johnson & Johnson OGX shampoo
  • Straight Arrow Products Mane’ n Tail shampoo and conditioners

It is best if you purchase and use products that suit your hair and do not cause harm to them. Another way to avoid hair falling from such products is to stop using them. Hence, always check the ingredients of any hair care product before purchase and use.

Do WEN hair products cause Hair Loss?

Some WEN hair care products have been linked to hair loss in numerous users.

Shampoo ingredients that cause hair loss are found below:

  • Parabens that are responsible for allergic reactions
  • Silicones prevent nourishment to the hair follicles
  • Mineral oils that cause skin irritation and also suffocate the scalp
  • Sodium Laureth Sulfate, which causes an imbalance
  • Isopropyl Alcohol which makes your hair brittle
  • Phthalates that cause harmonic disruptions
  • Hexachlorophene that irritates the scalp region

Hair care products like shampoos and conditioners often mention all their components in the description. Ensure to carefully check them before purchasing. 

Moreover, switch to haircare products that cause minimal to no harm to your hair. You can visit a professional to know the range of healthy haircare products for your use.

What chemicals cause hair loss?

When used overly or inappropriately, specific hair care products’ particular components can harm the scalp and hair follicles. Each of these harmful ingredients is discussed in more detail below:

Formaldehyde, which is found in many permanent hair straightening solutions, is a carcinogen, and just normal usage would result in irritation in the following:

  • Allergic dermatitis 
  • Skin sensitivity 
  • Any excessive use of such products results in
  • Headaches cough 
  • Nausea 
  • Chest pain
  • Rashes
  • Vomiting

However, there is no conclusive evidence linking Formaldehyde and hair loss; some users of formaldehyde-based products have reported experiencing hair shedding along with thinning.

Read also: What can you do if you have hair loss?

Does shampooing every day cause hair loss?

In contrast to popular belief, daily washes using a suitable shampoo will not result in hair loss. In reality, the health of your hair and scalp might benefit from regular washing and removing products, oil, toxins, and other dirt.

While shampooing is followed by washing, each person loses between 80 and 100 hairs daily as part of the normal hair-shedding process. As a result, new follicles develop to replace each hair that falls out. You can clear the path for the fresh follicles to grow by washing your hair frequently.


Many ingredients are mixed in specific proportions to make a shampoo. The idea is to clean your hair clean and its stability too. But a few ingredients, namely Formaldehyde, act against the original purpose and may trigger hair loss. It is yet to be fully proven, but it is also true that Formaldehyde is not a part of many cosmetic products.

Does stress cause hair loss?

Yes, Stress does cause hair loss but not all kinds of stress. Three types of hair loss occur, which trigger the following: 

  1. Telogen Effluvium, temporary hair loss, and thinning take place in patches. 
  2. One of the leading causes of Alopecia is stress. It is triggered when high pressure is experienced, and the immune system assaults the hair follicles, which is also temporary. When one starts noticing circular bald patches, they should know they are Alopecia areata symptoms.
  3. Trichotillomania is triggered due to stress, and the result is pulling one’s hair repeatedly and being impulsive. In other words, hair loss occurs due to impulse control disorder.

With a life full of pressure, hair fall due to stress is widespread, especially among people aged 20-50 – some worry about academics, their jobs, families, etc. 

The only way to stop or control hair fall caused due to stress is to relieve yourself from the causes of stress. Leading a stress-free life will not only stop hair fall but also make your body healthy altogether.

What is alopecia areata caused by?

Alopecia areata occurs when the immune system unintentionally targets hair follicles, leading to inflammation and hair loss. 

Experts do not entirely know what causes these attacks on hair follicles. As of now, they believe hereditary and environmental (non-genetic) variables cause it.

Short Summary

Stress is a part of human life, but the only difference is how everyone handles it. It is suitable for the hair and the entire anatomy if one can control it. Many ask, “can anxiety cause hair loss” or “can depression cause hair loss”. The answer is “yes”, even though it’s temporary.


With any luck, you will not have to worry about hair clogging your shower again after implementing the aforementioned preventative measures and getting a timely keratin treatment. It is conditional on the hair loss type, but it usually grows back. Even in severe hair loss cases, including telogen effluvium, hair typically grows between three and six months. Hair loss prevention is never an immediate process. Try to hold out for a while longer for the desired outcome.


  • Hair loss. American Cancer Society. (Link)
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Dr. Sandeep Bhasin

Dr. Sandeep Bhasin is a highly skilled cosmetic surgeon and the owner of Care Well Medical Centre in Delhi. With extensive expertise in cosmetic and plastic surgery, he is dedicated to providing exceptional care and transformative results to his patients. Dr. Sandeep Bhasin obtained his MBBS and MS in General Surgery from Aligarh Muslim University (AMU) and served as a consultant at Bhaktshreshtha Kamalakarpant Laxman Walawalkar Hospital, Diagnostic & Research Centre. Specializing in various procedures such as face-lifts, rhinoplasty, liposuction, breast augmentation, hair transplant and many others, Dr. Sandeep Bhasin is committed to enhancing his patients' natural beauty and self-confidence.

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