The rainy season brings relief from the scorching heat of summer, but it also comes with its own set of challenges, especially when it comes to hair care.
The rainy season brings relief from the scorching heat of summer, but it also comes with its own set of challenges, especially when it comes to hair care.
Do you sometimes question your diet while suffering from extreme hair fall, if not it’s time you do? Hair fall has become a common issue in both males and females due to lifestyle changes and a completely overlooked aspect is our daily diet.
The most important thing to take care of after a hair transplant. How to take care of our hair (grafts) after hair transplantation? What precautions should be taken? In today's article, we are going to discuss some caring tips for after a hair transplant.
Baldness / Hair loss can be more stressful and make you feel less confident. Heredity, pollution, hormonal imbalances, etc. act as triggering factors which leads to social isolation.
Baldness or hair loss is a matter of concern for men and women in the present world. Many of the bald people lose their self-confidence and feel shy to be in public places. They usually try to hide their baldness with a hat, wig and tying a handkerchief on their head.
Hair weaving is the application of artificial hair or wig to a bald area on the scalp of an individual. It is a temporary solution for hair loss, and it is a non-surgical treatment that uses human or synthetic hair on the scalp.
Hair weaving or extensions are a non-surgical way of getting rid of baldness. It refers to non-evasive technique of incorporating new hair, which is natural or synthetic.
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