Proven Skin Grafting Clinic in Delhi for Damaged Skin

Skin Grafting

Best Cost of Skin Grafting for Vitiligo – Skin Grafting Surgery in Delhi. Skin grafting is one of the tissue grafting methods for treating vitiligo/White Patches & Scars removal by Dr. Sandeep Bhasin at Care Well Medical Centre. Skin grafting is a permanent solution to cover damaged skin with natural or animal skin. This is an aesthetic procedure in Care Well Medical Centre south Delhi. Dr. Sandeep Bhasin is an experienced cosmetic surgeon.

He has helped many damaged skin people. They were a victim of severe burn injury. Some of them were a skin cancer patient, extensive wounding cases, and trauma cases. Today, they are not in social stigma and are confident too. This is by availing the latest skin grafting procedure. Here, we have discussed what is skin grafting, who are the right candidates, its side effects, and cure.

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    Skin grafting is a cosmetic procedure. Here, skin grafts are transplanted from the same patient or taken from animals. This is a surgical procedure, and the patient will be under general anesthesia. It may take more than three days to discharge after skin grafting surgery is over.

    In this surgery, a dead, wounded, or burned skin area is covered with new skin tissue. This is a skin grafting method by taking skin from other parts of the body of the same person. The transplanted skin covers the damaged skin area and heals like natural skin after a few months. Here, the cosmetic surgeon will check the patient’s medical history and donor site for removing skin grafts before the surgery.

    Skin grafting is one of the tissue grafting methods for treating vitiligo, a skin disorder in which there is a loss of pigment, thereby causing whitish patches on the skin. Melanin, the pigment that is responsible for delivering skin color and tone, reduces, as a result of this disease. Often, there is no specific cause of vitiligo. Skin grafting is a type of grafting surgery where the skin gets transplanted. The tissue that gets transplanted is called a skin graft.

    There are mainly two kinds of skin grafts: thin-layered and thick-layered. For stable and non-responsive vitiligo, it is the most successful surgical method. The most useful technique as compared to the other tissue grafting procedures for treating vitiligo.

    How is Skin Grafting Done?

    The skin grafting procedure starts with an IV that is injected into the hand, arm, or wrist. This IV enables doctors to provide medicines and fluids during and after the surgery. Once it’s time for surgery, doctors inject medicine into the IV line.

    This medicine is general anesthesia, which makes patients gradually fall asleep and remain asleep throughout the surgery. As a result, patients won’t feel the pain. Once the patient is fully asleep, the surgeon starts the operation process.

    At first, the surgeons remove the skin from the donor site. If they perform a split-level thickness graft, they remove the skin from an area of the body such as the hip or the thigh, usually which is hidden by clothing. If they conduct a full-thickness graft, they remove the skin from the abdominal wall or chest wall.

    Once the skin is removed from the donor site, the surgeon carefully places it over the transplanted area and secures it with proper surgical dressings, stitches, or staples. The donor area is also covered with a dressing that covers the wound without sticking to it. Within 36 hours, the graft starts developing blood vessels and connects to the skin.

    Control Melasma

    Skin grafting for Extensive Wound Cure

    A person with diabetes may take time to heal wounds naturally or through medications. Similarly, an untreated wound may cause infection and might become an extensive wound. If the wound is on the exposed area, it will cause a stigma if it is with a bandage or an open wound. The best way to cure them is through skin grafting. Your extensive wound in the exposed area will no more look disgusting after skin grafting. This is a quick and safe surgical way to stop the infection and cover them with healthy skin tissue.

    Skin Cancer Patients

    The skin cancer patient can cover their surgical scar area or wound through skin grafting. This is the best surgical treatment to heal the exposed part of your body with damaged skin. Here, the removal of skin cancer sites is replaced with healthy skin. We at Care Well Medical Centre give free consultations and after-surgery care consultations too. We keep patient data confidential.

    Severe Burn Victims

    Burn injuries can happen accidentally or involuntarily. It will be a social stigma if the burnt skin is on the exposed areas. Yet, skin grafting is the only way to cover damaged skin with your skin tissues. They will start to heal like your natural skin after skin grafting surgery.

    However, a burn victim must have a sufficient donor site for the removal of skin grafts. In some 100% burnt skin cases, animal skin tissues are used. In the case of a burn victims, they can first undergo skin grafting on the exposed body areas. This will help with the social stigma.

    Skin Ulcer

    People with venous leg ulcers take a longer time to heal if their wound is large. This will make it inconvenient to wear trousers or full pants. It will be very painful and uneasy if the wound has infections. The people affected with such skin ulcers are advised to undergo skin grafting.

    This will help them to heal soon and recover from venous leg ulcers. This surgical way is the best when your wound is not responding to oral and topical medications.

    Dr. Sandeep Bhasin examines the patient history and lifestyle first. After this, he asks the patient to be prepared for skin grafting surgery. This can be with the advice of dos and don’ts before this surgery.

    Preparing for Skin Grafting

    While opting for surgical processes like skin grafting, it is best to have some preparation time before actually proceeding with the surgery. The following steps shall give a proper guideline about taking the necessary preparations before skin grafting for treating vitiligo.

    • It is best to schedule the skin graft in advance so that both the patient and the doctor can give time to plan for the process.
    • While preparing for the treatment, patients should go for a consultation with their doctors. During this phase, they must inform the doctors about the medicines they are taking, their past medical history, previous surgeries, if done, and other medical-related information. It is so because there are certain medicines that have a tendency to interfere with the ability of blood to form clots. For undergoing skin grafting, often doctors ask their patients to stop consuming such medicines or reduce their dosage.
    • Patients must follow all guidelines as given by the doctors. They might be asked to avoid certain food or drinks after midnight, as on the day of surgery. It is because, during the surgery, vomiting and choking are prevented, especially if anesthesia nauseates.

    Post-surgery Treatment for Skin Grafting

    Since general anesthesia is provided during the surgery, therefore patients are more likely to feel drowsy and sleepy. They are kept in the hospitals for a certain period of time and then discharged according to their condition. Once the surgery is over, patients should look forward to post-operation care and maintenance. Post-surgery treatment is very important for vitiligo patients.

    While the operation might be successful, however post-surgical care is crucial for a fast and safe recovery. The after-surgery procedures are as follows:

    • Soon after the surgery, the hospital staff monitors the condition of the patient and analyses vital signs. If patients suffer from acute pain, they are supplied with relevant medications. In case, it’s chronic, doctors are called.
    • In the case of split-level thickness graft, doctors ask patients to stay in the hospital for a few days to ensure that both the graft and the donor site are recovering well.
    • If blood vessels don’t begin to form within the graft, shortly after the operation, it sends a signal that the body is rejecting the graft. This calls for emergency attention from the hospital staff and doctors. Patients then need to go for a second graft.
    • In the case of full-thickness graft, patients need to stay in hospitals for one or two weeks. There are other requirements such as occupational and physical therapy that help patients in healing from skin grafting.
    • Doctors often prescribe important medications that patients need to take orally. These medications help in reducing complications and remove pain from the operated areas. The surgeons will also recommend ways for preventing infection in the grafts and donor sites. Patients should follow these suggestions carefully.
    • It is also advisable to control regular activities and duties, soon after discharge. Once the transplanted tissue starts connecting with the skin and the overall skin condition becomes normal, which ideally takes around three to four weeks, patients can slowly return back to normal activities. Before that, they must not move out or injure themselves.

    Skin Grafting Video

    Side Effects of Skin Grafting

    • Bleeding – External bleeding can be found in case of improper stitching. Internal bleeding is also a severe side effect of skin grafting. Here, the patient needs immediate medical care. This is why the patient is not allowed to go back home on the same day the skin grafting surgery is undergone.
    • Infection – Infection can happen soon after skin grafting surgery. It is advisable to do this surgery from a modern clinic. They will take care of hygiene for its patient, surgical instrument, and the clinical environment too. If the infection caused does not heal too, the skin grafting surgery will be a waste of money.
    • Skin Sensation – Skin grafting surgery may lead to partial or no skin sensation at all. Yet, these are rare cases. It is advisable to do this surgery with an experienced cosmetic surgeon and a trusted clinic. This can reduce side effects.
    • Skin Scarring – Skin scarring can happen if the donor and recipient area does not heal properly. Sometimes, the transplant grafts will not support skin growth as the skin tissues reject them on the transplanted area. In this case, the scar marks will be visible due to improper healing and due to infection. These side effects can happen when an inexperienced cosmetic surgeon does this operation.
    • Anesthesia-related Risk – General anesthesia is given to a patient while undergoing skin grafting surgery. Anesthesia-related risk is there if a low or high dosage is given to a patient. A low dosage of general anesthesia can increase severe pain in the patient. A high level of anesthesia can risk a patient’s life itself. It is advisable to do this surgery from a reputed clinic with experienced cosmetic surgeons and clinical staff.

    Skin grafting surgery-related side effects could be minimized if you do this from a proven clinic. You can find this by reading real-time patient reviews.

    At Care Well Medical Centre, we have a modern medical infrastructure. We do have experienced surgeons and clinical staff. We have a 20-bed clinic to support after-skin grafting surgery care. We follow the best practice in cosmetology procedures. Skin grafting is one of our surgical procedures to cure damaged skin areas. We have 100% cure results.

    You can see this from our real-time patients before and after skin grafting surgery videos and photos.

    Skin Grafting Before and After Results

    skin grafting before and after photo
    skin grafting before and after photo
    skin grafting before and after photo
    skin grafting before and after photo

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    Sking Grafting Treatment FAQs

    • Can skin grafting cure vitiligo?
    • What is skin grafting for vitiligo?
    • Which surgery is best for vitiligo?
    • Can vitiligo be cured by surgery?
    • What is the cost of skin grafting for vitiligo treatment in Delhi NCR?
    • What is the fastest way to cure vitiligo?
    • Does skin grafting work for vitiligo?
    • How long should a skin graft be covered?
    • What are the advantages of skin grafts for Vitiligo Treatment?
    • What can you not do after a skin graft?
    • How long after the skin graft can I shower?
    • When can I walk after a skin graft?
    • What happens if a skin graft dies?
    • What foods help heal skin grafts?
    • Do you get stitches after a skin graft in vitiligo treatment?
    • Do skin grafts leave scars?
    • Is a skin graft very painful in vitiligo treatment?
    • How does the skin look after a skin graft?
    • What is the first stage of healing in a skin graft?
    • What helps skin grafts heal faster in Vitiligo Treatment?
    • Is Care Well Medical Centre a good clinic for Skin Grafting Vitiligo Treatment in Delhi?
    • Why is Care Well Medical Centre the best clinic for Skin Grafting Vitiligo Treatment in Delhi NCR?
    Can skin grafting cure vitiligo?

    Skin grafting is a procedure of transplanting a healthy piece of skin from one area of the body to another. It is not considered a cure for vitiligo, a condition in which the skin loses its pigmentation. Vitiligo grafting covers the affected areas but does not address the underlying cause.

    What is skin grafting for vitiligo?

    Skin grafting for vitiligo is a surgical procedure. This healthy skin from one area of the body gets transplanted to an area affected by vitiligo. The goal is to restore the color of the affected skin by transplanting melanocytes. It is a treatment option for people with stable vitiligo when other treatments fail.

    Which surgery is best for vitiligo?

    The best surgical options for vitiligo are skin grafting and micro-skin grafting. Melanocyte transplantation helps to treat small areas of vitiligo. Cell culture procedure treats larger areas of affected skin. Sometimes a combination of these treatments is also used.

    Can vitiligo be cured by surgery?

    While vitiligo grafting can be an effective treatment option, it is not a cure for the condition. Surgery can help to restore color to affected areas of skin. But it does not address the underlying cause of the depigmentation. Also, there is a possibility of recurrence of depigmentation after the surgery.

    What is the cost of skin grafting for vitiligo treatment in Delhi NCR?

    In Delhi, skin grafting for vitiligo costs can range from 1,50,000 to 3,00,000 INR. But it’s important to note that this is an estimate, and the actual price may vary. It’s best to consult a qualified dermatologist to get a more accurate cost estimate.

    What is the fastest way to cure vitiligo?

    The most effective treatment depends on the case. Doctors can sometimes prescribe medicines. Treatment may include topical corticosteroids or phototherapy. In some cases, a skin transplant for vitiligo can also be effective.

    Does skin grafting work for vitiligo?

    Skin transplant for vitiligo, in some cases, can be effective. Like if the affected area is small and in a sensitive cosmetic area. The grafted skin can re-pigment the affected area. But it may take several months for the color to match the surrounding skin.

    How long should a skin graft be covered?

    Generally, a sterile dressing is essential to cover a skin graft. This helps to protect it from infection and promotes healing. The length of time to keep the skin graft covered will vary depending on the size and location of the graft. The type of skin used, the patient’s health, and the healing process are also important factors.

    What are the advantages of skin grafts for Vitiligo Treatment?

    Skin grafting for vitiligo has advantages like high rates of re-pigmentation. They can provide a good color match to the surrounding normal skin. This can improve the appearance of the affected area. Skin grafts result in minimal scarring and are also long-lasting.

    What can you not do after a skin graft?

    Avoid exposing the grafted area to direct sunlight or UV light. Also, one should not smoke or swim after the skin grafting procedure for vitiligo. Stay away from any heavy physical activity. Scratching or picking at the grafted area can cause bleeding and delay healing. Do not apply any topical medications or creams without consulting your doctor.

    How long after the skin graft can I shower?

    Keeping the grafted area clean and dry during the healing process is essential. So, it is best to avoid showering for at least 24-48 hours after the vitiligo grafting. After dressing the wound, your surgeon will give instructions on when to start showering again.

    When can I walk after a skin graft?

    After a skin grafting for vitiligo, you may experience pain and swelling. Your surgeon will likely tell you to take it easy and rest for a few days following the procedure. You may need crutches or a walker if the area of the skin graft is around the lower extremities.

    What happens if a skin graft dies?

    When a skin graft dies, it will not be able to survive and integrate with the surrounding tissue. This is a “graft failure.” If your vitiligo grafting fails due to an infection, antibiotics treatment may start. The doctors may remove the dead graft and attempt a new grafting procedure.

    What foods help heal skin grafts?

    Foods such as lean meats, fish, eggs, and beans are high in protein, which helps the production of new skin cells. Food items rich in vitamin C and A and Zinc rich food supports the healing process. Foods dense in omega-3 fatty acids reduce inflammation. They also improve blood flow to the vitiligo grafting area.

    Do you get stitches after a skin graft in vitiligo treatment?

    Yes, skin grafting for vitiligo treatment involves the use of stitches. It is to hold the grafted skin in place and to promote proper healing. The edges of the grafted area are stitched and removed a few days to a week after the procedure.

    Do skin grafts leave scars?

    The scarring from a split-thickness vitiligo grafting is usually minimal. This is because the epidermis is not removed. At the same time, the scarring from a full-thickness skin graft is more visible. The reason is the removal of the entire thickness of the skin.

    Is a skin graft very painful in vitiligo treatment?

    A vitiligo treatment skin grafting is always done under local or general anesthesia. This means that the patient should not feel any pain during the procedure. After the procedure, someone may experience discomfort or pain in the grafted area. This is usually managed with medication prescribed by the surgeon.

    How does the skin look after a skin graft?

    After split-thickness vitiligo grafting, the grafted skin may appear red, swollen, and tender. But it should begin to blend in with the surrounding skin within a few days. After a full-thickness skin graft, the grafted skin may appear more evident since it is from a different area of the body, which will have a different color and texture.

    What is the first stage of healing in a skin graft?

    The first stage of healing in skin grafting for white patches treatment is the inflammatory stage. This stage begins immediately after the skin graft procedure and lasts about 3-5 days. During this stage, the body’s immune system stops any bleeding.

    What helps skin grafts heal faster in Vitiligo Treatment?

    Following the surgeon’s instructions is crucial for proper healing after vitiligo grafting. Eating healthy and taking appropriate medication are also very important. Avoid smoking, swimming, or any heavy activity. Direct sunlight is also harmful, so stay indoors and rest well.

    Is Care Well Medical Centre a good clinic for Skin Grafting Vitiligo Treatment in Delhi?

    Care Well Medical Centre in Delhi is a good skin grafting vitiligo treatment clinic. The positive customer feedback and good reviews showcase its excellent services. Multiple satisfied customers have gained beneficial results and enhanced looks from the Care Well Medical Centre. Plus, it is run under the supervision of the highly earned and experienced Dr. Sandeep Bhasin.

    Why is Care Well Medical Centre the best clinic for Skin Grafting Vitiligo Treatment in Delhi NCR?

    Care Well Medical Centre in Delhi is the best skin grafting vitiligo treatment clinic. The many reasons for its being the best include affordable prices, modern techniques, safety maintenance, hygiene maintenance, exceptional aftercare, in-depth consultations, etc.

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    Care Well Medical Centre offers cosmetic surgery services with a focus on safety and natural-looking results. Trust our experienced team for your desired transformation.


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