We all get so conscious about our looks that we try different things to look attractive and beautiful. The central part of the face is the nose. Many people feel ashamed of their bulbous or fatty nose.

How Can You Change the Shape of Your Nose?

April 3, 2023 by Dr. Sandeep Bhasin


We all get so conscious about our looks that we try different things to look attractive and beautiful. The central part of the face is the nose. Many people feel ashamed of their bulbous or fatty noses. Though accepting reality is the best we should do. God has made you beautiful in all manners. However, medical science has given us certain other ways to change the way we look. Let’s have knowledge of all the facts related to the change in the shape of the nose, nose job, and how you can get your nose shape changed.

Your nose is a prominent feature of your face, and its shape can significantly affect your appearance. While some people are content with the shape of their nose, others may want to change them. If you’re among the latter, you may be wondering about your options.

Surgical Options: Rhinoplasty

One way to change the shape of your nose is through surgery. Rhinoplasty, commonly known as a nose job, is a popular surgical option that involves altering the shape of your nose to improve its appearance or functionality. This procedure is performed by a plastic surgeon and can be costly, with a lengthy recovery time.

If you’re considering surgery, it’s important to research your options and consult with a reputable plastic surgeon.

Natural Options

If you’re looking for a more natural option, there are a few things you can try.

Facial Exercises

One method is to use facial exercises, such as nose shaping exercises, which can help tone and shape the muscles around your nose.


Another way is to use makeup to contour your nose and create the illusion of a different shape. This technique can be especially useful for special occasions or photos.

Nose Shaping Tools

Additionally, you can try using nose shaping tools such as nose shapers, which can be worn for a few minutes each day to gradually change the shape of your nose over time.

It’s important to note that while these methods may work for some, they may not be effective for everyone. Ultimately, the decision to change the shape of your nose is a personal one, and you should consider both the pros and cons of each option before making a decision.

Why and when do you need to change the shape of your nose?

The shape of your nose can have a significant impact on your overall facial appearance and even your breathing function. There are several reasons why people may consider changing the shape of their noses.

There are many conditions when you might have to get the nose job done. In case you have an upturned nose shape. This can be natural or might have become like that due to walking to the wall in a jerk, getting punched on the nose, falling down stairs, or being hit on the nose while playing a sport. You can have an upturned nose due to gene mutations and birth defects too.

The other condition is nasal deformities. Nasal abnormalities are typically present from birth and might be caused by a congenital issue. A cleft lip or palate, a crooked or perforated septum, or a tumor on the nose can all cause issues. Nasal abnormalities can also be caused by the following factors: Trauma to the nose.

Trauma or birth anomalies might cause a crooked nose. A deviated septum, which occurs when the nasal septum, or thin wall between the nasal passages, becomes displaced, is the most common cause of a crooked nose.

Aesthetic Reasons

Many people seek to change the shape of their noses for cosmetic reasons. This can include correcting perceived deformities, such as a bump on the bridge of the nose, a crooked nose, or a bulbous tip. Changing the shape of the nose can improve facial symmetry and balance, which can enhance overall facial harmony.

Functional Reasons

Some people may have difficulty breathing through their noses due to structural abnormalities or deformities that obstruct the nasal passages. In such cases, changing the shape of the nose can improve breathing function and overall quality of life.

Lifestyle Changes

Lifestyle changes, such as weight gain or loss, can also affect the shape of the nose. For instance, weight gain can cause the skin and soft tissues surrounding the nose to stretch, while weight loss can cause these tissues to shrink. This can result in changes to the shape of the nose, which some people may want to correct.

Considerations Before Changing the Shape of Your Nose

Changing the shape of the nose is a personal decision that should not be taken lightly. There are several factors to consider before undergoing any cosmetic or functional nasal surgery.

Realistic Expectations

It’s important to have realistic expectations about the outcome of the procedure. While changing the shape of the nose can improve facial balance and function, it may not necessarily lead to perfection or complete satisfaction with your appearance.

Risks and Complications

All surgical procedures carry some degree of risk and potential complications. It’s essential to thoroughly research the procedure and choose a qualified and experienced surgeon to minimize the risk of complications.

Recovery Time

Nasal surgery typically requires a recovery period of several weeks to several months, depending on the extent of the procedure. It’s important to be prepared for the recovery period and to follow the surgeon’s post-operative instructions closely to ensure proper healing.


The cost of nasal surgery can vary depending on the type and extent of the procedure, as

Understanding Changes in Nose Shape Over Time

The shape of the nose is not static and can change over time due to a variety of factors. Understanding these factors can help you determine when it’s necessary to seek treatment or make changes to your nose’s appearance.

Cartilage and bone create a stable foundation for your nose, but they begin to deteriorate over time, causing the tip of your nose to appear wider. This impact can also cause a hump to appear on the bridge.

The alterations that occur differ from one person to the next. If your cartilage is stiffer and more unyielding, you may not notice any substantial changes. However, if your cartilage is softer, your nose’s look may shift more dramatically. This can result in Tip Ptosis, which is when the tip of your nose begins to drop dramatically.

In rare situations, the tip of your nose may appear to be sinking into your upper lip due to age.

The lack of estrogen leads the cartilage to weaken, making this process harsher in postmenopausal women. As a result, the nasal tip loses support.

Age-Related Changes

As we age, the skin and soft tissues surrounding the nose lose elasticity and volume. This can cause the nose to droop and appear larger. Changes in bone structure and cartilage can also contribute to changes in the nose’s shape over time.

Lifestyle Changes

Lifestyle changes, such as weight gain or loss, pregnancy, and smoking, can also affect the shape of the nose. Weight gain can cause the skin and soft tissues surrounding the nose to stretch, while weight loss can cause these tissues to shrink. Smoking can also cause changes in the nose’s appearance by reducing blood flow and causing damage to the skin.

Injury and Medical Conditions

Injury to the nose, such as a broken nose, can cause changes in its shape. Certain medical conditions, such as chronic sinusitis or nasal polyps, can also cause chronic inflammation and swelling in the nose, leading to changes in its shape.

Addressing Changes in Nose Shape

If you’re unhappy with changes in your nose’s shape, there are several options available to address the issue.

Non-Surgical Treatments

Non-surgical treatments such as injectable fillers or Botox can be used to correct minor changes in the nose’s shape. These treatments are minimally invasive and require little to no downtime.

Surgical Options

In cases where the changes in the nose’s shape are significant or affect breathing function, surgical intervention may be necessary. Rhinoplasty is a surgical procedure that can reshape the nose and improve its appearance and function.

Consult with a Qualified Professional

It’s important to consult with a qualified professional to determine the best course of action for addressing changes in the nose’s shape. A plastic surgeon or otolaryngologist can evaluate your condition and recommend appropriate treatment options.


Short Summary:

Throughout childhood and adolescence, your nose develops. During early adulthood, it may even grow a little. However, any changes you detect after that are unrelated to nose growth. Instead, they’re the result of changes in the form of your nose caused by changes in your skin and cartilage. These alterations are a normal component of the aging process.

What are the ways to change the shape of the nose?

There is a slew of ways to change the shape of your nose. You can change the way your nose looks through both surgical and non-surgical methods:

Dermal fillers

It is a non-surgical rhinoplasty in which a dermal filler is injected beneath your skin to modify the contour of your nose during a nonsurgical rhinoplasty. “Liquid nose job” or “15-minute nose job” are other names for the technique. A doctor injects a gel-like filler under the skin to treat the nose. They might employ hyaluronic acid fillers like Juvéderm or calcium hydroxyapatite fillers like Radiesse, among other things.


Complications from a liquid nose job can occur if the filler is injected into a blood vessel. This can injure the vessel and interrupt the blood supply to the skin around your nose, causing the skin to die. That complication would necessitate extra operations.

The filler can go into a blood vessel that supplies blood to one of your eyes in severe circumstances. It can even lead to loss of vision.


Rhinoplasty can reform the size, shape, and proportions of your nose. It is even used to fix the abnormalities caused due to injury, cure a congenital condition, or alleviate breathing issues.

Rhinoplasty surgery is usually an outpatient treatment that takes 1.5 to 3 hours. Incisions are done within the nostrils in “closed rhinoplasty,” a method with the restricted capacity to make alterations. An incision is performed across the tissue between the nostrils as well as within the nostrils in “open rhinoplasty.”

There are some other ways like nose massages, wiggling your nose, breathing exercises, smiling frequently, and wearing specialized face masks.


Rhinoplasty carries the risk of bleeding, infection, or reaction to anesthesia in some cases. Other things are breathing through your nose might become difficult, numbness in and around your nose, chances of a crooked, persistent pain, discoloration, swelling, scarring, septal perforation, or might require additional surgery.

How to make your nose thinner?

It’s improbable that using an unproven home treatment to shrink your nose will truly work. However, there are makeup techniques, such as nose contouring, that you can do to make your nose appear smaller. Many YouTube tutorial videos cover nose contouring techniques. The basic concept is straightforward:

  • You can use bronzer which is two shades darker than the skin tone and outline your nose through both sides.
  • You can use the matte highlighter to trace the narrow outline of your nose and bring attention to it.
  • You can use a beauty blender to emphasize the effect’s shadows and highlights. Although it may take some time to master, many people adore the outcome of this makeup technique.

While it’s not possible to change the actual size of your nose without surgical intervention, there are several things you can do to make your nose appear thinner. Here are some tips:

  1. Contouring with Makeup

Contouring with makeup can be an effective way to create the illusion of a thinner nose. Use a contouring powder or cream that is a shade or two darker than your skin tone to create shadows on the sides of your nose, and a highlighting powder or cream that is a shade or two lighter than your skin tone to create highlights down the center of your nose. This will make your nose appear more defined and thinner.

  1. Use Facial Exercises

Facial exercises can help strengthen the muscles in your face, including the ones around your nose. Try exercises such as “nose scrunches,” where you scrunch up your nose and hold for a few seconds before releasing, or “nose wiggles,” where you wiggle your nose from side to side. These exercises can help define and tone the muscles in your nose, making it appear thinner.

  1. Wear the Right Accessories

Wearing the right accessories can also help make your nose appear thinner. For example, wearing glasses with a high bridge can help lift your nose and create the illusion of a thinner nose. Similarly, wearing statement earrings or a bold necklace can draw attention away from your nose.

While these tips can be helpful in creating the illusion of a thinner nose, it’s important to remember that everyone’s nose is unique and beautiful in its own way. Embracing your natural features can help you feel confident and beautiful.


What are the most attractive nose shapes?

There is no single “most attractive” nose shape, as beauty standards and preferences vary widely across cultures and individuals. However, certain nose shapes are often considered aesthetically pleasing and harmonious with other facial features.

  1. Straight Nose A straight nose is often considered an attractive feature as it is in balance with the other facial features. It has a straight bridge and a slightly upturned tip, creating a symmetrical appearance.

  2. Button Nose A button nose is small and cute, with a slightly upturned tip. This nose shape is often associated with youthfulness and femininity.

  3. Greek Nose A Greek nose is characterized by a straight bridge and a narrow, defined tip. This nose shape is often seen as elegant and refined.

  4. Roman Nose A Roman nose is characterized by a prominent bridge and a downward-sloping tip. This nose shape is often associated with strength and masculinity.

  5. Upturned Nose An upturned nose has a curved tip that points upward. This nose shape is often seen as youthful and perky.

It’s important to note that these are generalizations and that every nose is unique and beautiful in its own way. Ultimately, the most attractive nose shape is one that complements an individual’s unique facial features and personality.

The key to having the most attractive nose shape is defining the overall proportion and balance of the face is the central feature of the face. If your face is out of sync with the rest of your face, it may appear or feel strange. As the media and more online encounters have shifted beauty standards for both men and women, we’ve seen a tremendous surge in facial cosmetic treatments like Rhinoplasty as part of Facial Rejuvenation.

Most Attractive Nose Shapes

The meaning of beauty has changed throughout time, but the Golden Ratio, which dates back to Ancient Greece, has remained a constant throughout the year. Because we appear to agree on the beauty of some things, humans have used the golden ratio, symmetry, and fractal patterns in constructing, painting, and defining charm since the dawn of time.

The most difficult challenge for surgeons is to get what their patients want. Since everyone has a different face and the features of a nose that can suit every nose become challenging. Most people want to change a few things, which we refer to as a reference point.

Width: First and foremost, most individuals desire a slim nose. As a result, a significant portion of Rhinoplasty involves narrowing the overall breadth.

Nasal Tip: A perfect nasal tip is another feature that people seek. Many people have thick nasal skin, which makes the tip of their nose round rather than pointed

Straighter lines – No Humps and Bumps: Nose bumps resemble acne and pimples, which are unsightly. Dermal fillers and injections may temporarily alleviate the condition, but many patients seek surgical excision of the dorsal hump.

While nostrils are meant to transport air to the lungs, they also play an important role in the cosmetic look of the face. Similar smaller or symmetrical nostrils may be achieved with an Alarplasty.

The angle formed between the tip and the lip is as follows: The angle between the nasal base and the top of your upper lip is a basic metric for determining an ideal nose. This can help distinguish whether a nose is more feminine or masculine.

The overall form of the nose in relation to the face: Last but not least, it must complement the rest of your face; otherwise, a perfect nose on an imperfect face would be ineffective.

Short Summary:

An ideal nose doesn’t need to be thinner. Consult with the surgeon before getting a rhinoplasty done. The thickness of the nose depends upon the different features of your face. So having just a thinner nose won’t work. Even a millimeter of change can cause a difference.

How to change your nose shape naturally or without surgery?

There are many websites claiming that face exercise can change the shape of the nose. The shape of your bone determines the shape of the base of your nose, where it connects to your face. The soft cartilage that gives your nose its flexibility is chiefly responsible for its shape. Exercises for the nose strengthen the tiny muscles that allow you to generate facial expressions. These muscles have no bearing on the form of your nose.

However, there is no evidence of getting a nose shape changed through nose yoga or other exercises. The change might be temporary. There are a few ways through which you can change the shape of the nose for some time—such as changing nose shape with pressure, nasal massage, and wearing a face mask.

Change nose shape by exercise

How to change nose shape by exercise?

1. Nose shortening

With the help of your thumb and index finger, hold the bridge of the nose. Pull your top lip down and then release it to apply downward pressure against your index finger. After ten repetitions, take a deep breath and relax.

2. Nose sharpening

This exercise also aids in the development of the muscles on the sides of your nose. All you have to do is grin and use your index finger to push the tip of your nose upwards. Perform this exercise 20 to 30 times each day for optimum results.

3. Nose slimming

To begin, create an “O” with your mouth. Next, gently press your nostrils halfway open with your index fingers so that you can still breathe through your nose. Breathe out through your nose while flaring your nostrils while looking up at the ceiling. Repeat this exercise several times per day to notice the effects.

Can you change your nose shape by just pressing it?

No, you cannot change the shape of your nose by simply pressing on it. Your nose is made up of bone, cartilage, and soft tissue, and it is firmly attached to the rest of your face. Applying pressure to your nose may cause temporary swelling or redness, but it will not permanently alter the shape of your nose.

There are some exercises that claim to reshape the nose through facial yoga or massage techniques. However, there is no scientific evidence to support these claims, and it is unlikely that these exercises will produce any significant changes in the shape of your nose.

If you are interested in changing the shape of your nose, the most effective and permanent way to do so is through rhinoplasty, a surgical procedure that can alter the size and shape of the nose to achieve your desired look. However, it’s important to carefully consider the risks and benefits of this procedure and to consult with a qualified and experienced plastic surgeon to determine if it is the right choice for you.

For those who don’t want to go under the knife for changing their nose shape, changing their nose shape by just pressing it can help a little. For major changes in the nose, you need to have a rhinoplasty. Here are some of the techniques of how to change your nose shape by just pressing it.

Nose massage

Toning the muscles of your face, particularly the area around the nose, can be achieved by massaging your nose. As you continue to massage your nose, you will notice that the form of your nose becomes straighter and sharper over time. Patients with sinus or migraine headaches may also benefit greatly from this.


  • Massage in a circular motion with the tip of your finger by applying just two drops of olive oil on the bridge of your nose.
  • Start at the bridge of your nose and move your fingers to the outer sides of the nose.
  • In order to get the desired results, repeat this process daily for 3-5 minutes.
  • Remember, you won’t notice a difference right away, but you will notice a difference over time if you do this chore every day without fail.
  • Yoga is the best method to stay healthy and fit. It can also help you to attain the desired shape of the nose. Through this, we are focused on breathing exercises (pranayama) that can lead to the shortening and sharpening of the nose.

Breathing Yoga

The simplest method to stay healthy is to practice yoga. It can also assist you in achieving the desired nose shape. We’re talking about breathing asana that will help you shorten and sharpen your nose.


  • Begin by sitting on a yoga mat with your legs crossed.
  • Block the left nostril with the thumb of your right hand and breathe for 4 seconds via the right nostril.
  • Block the right nostril with the ring finger of your left hand and breathe through the other nostril without exhaling.
  • 10 times a day, repeat this technique.
  • The limit can be gradually increased to 15-20 times.


Most quarrels and misunderstandings can be resolved with a smile. A happy face appears to be more attractive than anything else. Here’s some good news: a simple grin practice can also help you straighten your nose. The best part is that you can do it while watching TV or reading a book.


  • To broaden the muscle of the lips and push your nose higher, all you have to do is grin large. To the point where the sides of your nose feel stretched.
  • Concentrate on the muscles and perform this for at least 5 minutes every day. You can do more if you want, but the least time required is five minutes.

Nose shortening exercise

Many people are unhappy with their nose’s round shape. They want it to be sharper in proportion to the rest of their face, rather than round. This exercise is for those persons whose noses will get thinner and smaller over time as a result of practicing the nose-shortening exercise.


  • Begin by squeezing your nose’s bottom sides together. To accomplish so, use your index and middle fingers.
  • Push the tip of your nose upward with the index finger of another hand. You’d like to stoke it up.
  • Now breathe in the same position as before. If you’re not feeling well, take a rest in between.
  • Exercising 15-20 times a day is a good idea. It will most likely take only 8-10 minutes of your time.
  • Consistency, on the other hand, is crucial. You are not required to complete this exercise.

Through nose exercises, you can make very little change to the muscles of your nose which can even be temporary. Although having a little change might also help you in getting a nose in shape. There are many videos on YouTube that claim to change the shape of your nose. But this would only help in a minor perspective.

Short Summary:

Through nose exercises, you can make very little change to the muscles of your nose which can even be temporary. Although having a little change might also help you in getting a nose in shape. There are many videos on YouTube that claim to change the shape of your nose. But this would only help in a minor perspective.

How to change the shape of your nose with surgery?

If you are interested in changing the shape of your nose, rhinoplasty is a surgical option that can alter the size and shape of your nose to achieve your desired look. Here are some common techniques used in rhinoplasty:

  1. Reducing or Augmenting the Size of the Nose
  • To reduce the size of the nose, the surgeon may remove bone or cartilage from the nasal bridge or tip.
  • To augment the size of the nose, the surgeon may add cartilage grafts to the nasal tip or bridge.
  1. Changing the Shape of the Tip
  • The surgeon can reshape the tip of the nose by manipulating the cartilage and soft tissue.
  • This can include reducing or increasing the projection of the tip or refining the shape of the tip.
  1. Straightening the Nose
  • The surgeon can straighten a crooked nose by reshaping the bone and cartilage of the nasal bridge.
  • This can also improve breathing function if the crookedness is causing a blockage.
  1. Reshaping the Nostrils
  • The surgeon can adjust the size and shape of the nostrils by removing tissue or adjusting the cartilage.
  1. Correcting Functional Issues
  • Rhinoplasty can also correct functional issues such as a deviated septum or other breathing problems.

It’s important to keep in mind that rhinoplasty is a complex surgical procedure that should only be performed by a qualified and experienced plastic surgeon. Recovery time can vary, but most patients are able to return to normal activities within a few weeks. Be sure to discuss the risks and benefits of rhinoplasty with your surgeon before making a decision.

Types of Nose Surgery

Rhinoplasty is a surgery that can alter the nose shape. It is also performed to improve breathing issues or change the nose look or both.

One of the noses lies in the upper part, while the cartilage forms the lower one. Rhinoplasty can change the bone, cartilage, and skin part as well. You should first consult with the surgeon to see if rhinoplasty can work well for you and what shape it will help to achieve.

Your surgeon will evaluate your other facial characteristics, the skin on your nose, and what you want to change while considering rhinoplasty. Your surgeon will make a quirky treatment for you if you need surgery for your nose.

Here we will see different types of rhinoplasty that are carried out in today’s time.

1. Reduction Rhinoplasty

Reduction rhinoplasty is a type of plastic surgery that reduces the size of your nose. Your nose may be altered as well during this operation. Patients can choose to focus on specific regions of the nose, such as a large tip, hump, or bump, or to lower the overall size of the nose.

How is it carried out? The resizing of the nose is frequently accomplished during this procedure by removing cartilage and/or bone from the nose to attain the desired shape and size.

2. Augmentation Rhinoplasty

The goal of this sort of nasal surgery is to improve the nose’s overall dimensions. It is performed on people who have noses that are too tiny as a result of heredity or an injury to the cartilage.

How is it carried out? The underlying nasal framework is revealed by minor incisions during this plastic surgery. The patient’s own cartilage (if accessible) or a synthetic nasal implant is then used to augment the nose.

3. Post-Traumatic Rhinoplasty

After a patient suffers an injury or is involved in an accident that affects their nose, nasal surgery may be required to restore the nose to its normal shape and look.

Patients may choose to take advantage of this circumstance by having aesthetic improvements performed concurrently with the surgery.

4. Corrective Rhinoplasty

Revision rhinoplasty is a secondary (or occasionally tertiary) rhinoplasty procedure that aims to address any issues or corrections that developed following the initial cosmetic surgery. This can be a reduction or an augmentation, but the goal of this plastic surgery is to restore the anatomy of a nose that doesn’t appear right or is creating breathing difficulties.

Short Summary:

You can see a huge change before and after rhinoplasty. Nose surgery reforms both cartilage as well as bone structure to get the nose in shape. It can change the shape, size, and proportion of the nose on your face. You can consult the doctor in which shape you want to get the nose job done. 


In conclusion, if you are looking to permanently change the shape of your nose, rhinoplasty is a surgical option that can help achieve your desired look. There are various techniques used in rhinoplasty, including reducing or augmenting the size of the nose, changing the shape of the tip, straightening the nose, reshaping the nostrils, and correcting functional issues. It’s important to remember that rhinoplasty is a complex procedure that should only be performed by a qualified and experienced plastic surgeon. Recovery time can vary, but most patients can return to normal activities within a few weeks. Before deciding on rhinoplasty, it’s important to carefully consider the risks and benefits and consult with a plastic surgeon to determine if it’s the right choice for you. There are several ways through which you can get the nose shape changed. The easiest and quickest method is contouring and using dermal fillers. The permanent way of getting the nose shape changed is rhinoplasty. But before choosing this get a consultation from the doctor thoroughly and take precautions that are necessary before and after the surgery.


  1. Septoplasty can Change the Shape of the Nose (Link)
  2. Bertossi D, et al. (2019). Nonsurgical rhinoplasty: Nasal grid analysis and nasal injecting protocol. DOI: (Link)
  3. Steps of a rhinoplasty procedure (Link)
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Dr. Sandeep Bhasin

Dr. Sandeep Bhasin is a highly skilled cosmetic surgeon and the owner of Care Well Medical Centre in Delhi. With extensive expertise in cosmetic and plastic surgery, he is dedicated to providing exceptional care and transformative results to his patients. Dr. Sandeep Bhasin obtained his MBBS and MS in General Surgery from Aligarh Muslim University (AMU) and served as a consultant at Bhaktshreshtha Kamalakarpant Laxman Walawalkar Hospital, Diagnostic & Research Centre. Specializing in various procedures such as face-lifts, rhinoplasty, liposuction, breast augmentation, hair transplant and many others, Dr. Sandeep Bhasin is committed to enhancing his patients' natural beauty and self-confidence.

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