In this article, we are going to cover whether eyelid surgery is completely safe in 2024. You are going to get the answer to these questions here today. But before knowing its answer, let us know what is Blepharoplasty surgery.

Is Eyelid Lifting (Blepharoplasty) Procedure Safe in 2024?

October 3, 2024 by Dr. Sandeep Bhasin

Our eyes say a lot, even without words. They are a key part of nonverbal communication, and direct eye contact can express that you’re engaged, confident, and sincere. It shows you are listening and value what the other person is saying.

Emotions like surprise, curiosity, skepticism, and concern can all be shown through small movements of the eyebrows. But eyes can also reveal signs of stress and reflect how well we’ve slept the night before.

As a doctor, I often hear patients say, “My eyes look tired” or “I feel like my eyes look older.” This is a common concern, and it could explain why blepharoplasty —or an eyelid lift—is such a popular cosmetic surgery in India.

Let’s look at some interesting facts:

  • In 2024, the global number of associated surgeries will reach more than 1,409,103.
  • Of these, 1,096,152 were performed on women, and 312,950 were performed on men.
  • In India alone, 30,067 more than eyelid surgeries were conducted in 2024.

Dr. Sandeep Bhasin, a Board-Certified Plastic Surgeon in India, mentions that most blepharoplasty patients are in their forties and fifties. But lately, more patients in their thirties are opting for this procedure as a long-lasting and preventive solution instead of getting liquid brow lifts frequently.

This trend shows how younger people are now considering surgical options to maintain a youthful look, seeking more permanent solutions early on.

What is Blepharoplasty?

In this article, we are going to cover whether eyelid surgery is completely safe in 2024. You are going to get the answer to these questions here today. But before knowing its answer, let us know what is allied surgery. Are your eyes making you look tired or aged? Eyelids stretch as we age and the muscles that hold them weaken. Because of this, extra skin and fatty tissue may accumulate above and beneath your eyelids. This results in saggy upper eyelids, drooping brows, and puffiness beneath the eyes. 

Blepharoplasty is a kind of surgical procedure performed to eliminate the excess skin that surrounds the eyes. Good eyelid surgery can achieve a lot more than just elevating the eyes. Additionally, it can:

  • Restore previously impaired vision
  • Tighten wrinkled lids
  • Reduce extra skin
  • Lessen the look of puffy under-eyes
  • Tighten crepey lids 

What is the difference between blepharoplasty and eyelid surgery?

There is no difference between blepharoplasty and eyelid surgery; they both refer to the same surgical procedure performed to eliminate excessive fat from above or beneath the eyes. This procedure is performed to give you a more vibrant and healthy appearance. It can be performed individually or combined with other procedures like a brow lift or a facelift.

What are the Types of Cosmetic Eyelid Surgery?

Types of Eyelid Surgery
Types of Eyelid Surgery

Cosmetic eyelid surgery is divided into three different types depending on the needs of the patient. If you’ve been interested in the various eyelid surgery techniques and questioned if you would benefit from any of these operations, here are three major surgeries to know about:

  • Upper eyelid: This surgery is performed to eliminate the extra fat that sits above the eyelid to make it look less saggy and puffy. In this procedure, a narrow piece of muscle known as orbicularis oculi is removed so that the patient does not appear sleepy and struggles with keeping their eyes open. Surgery on the upper eyelids might enhance a patient’s field of vision.
  • Lower eyelid: A lower eyelid surgery is performed to eliminate the unwanted fat deposits under the eyelid. These fat deposits make the person look tired and increase the appearance of dark circles, puffiness, and wrinkles under the eyes. This procedure is carried out by making a small incision and removing excessive fat. Post-surgery, the face looks more contoured and less droopy. 
  • Double eyelid: Monolid, a condition where the biological fold in between eyelashes and the eyebrow is absent, is treated cosmetically by double eyelid surgery. The procedure widens the gap between the upper and lower lids, giving the eyes a more prominent appearance by forming a fold in the upper eyelid.

Asian populations typically have a higher prevalence of monolids and therefore go under double eyelid surgery. Some people may consider the procedure to look younger or make their face look more lifted and contoured. 

Your facial look can be improved through blepharoplasty by removing puffed, saggy, and extra eyelid fat. There are various techniques for eyelid cosmetic procedures since each person’s eyelid problems are distinct.

Short Summary

Blepharoplasty is a surgical procedure carried out to eliminate excess skin from a person’s eyes. It has three main types: upper, lower, and double blepharoplasty, respectively. Some people tend to get confused between blepharoplasty and eyelid surgery, but it is the same procedure with different terminologies.

How is Blepharoplasty done?

Performing a blepharoplasty includes three major stages before, during, and after the procedure, respectively. Before the procedure, your doctor will take a detailed medical history to rule out any severe complications post-surgery. During the procedure, you will go through the steps mentioned below:

  • Step 1 Anesthesia: To make the patient less conscious of pain, local or intravenous sedation can be induced. 
  • Step 2 Incision: For eyelid-related cosmetic procedures, the incision lines are planned so that the resulting scars will be well hidden within the localized natural features of the eyelid region. An incision within the upper eyelid’s natural crease can be used to treat the upper eyelid. An incision right underneath the lower lash line might be used to treat a variety of conditions of the lower eyelid.
  • Step 3 Incision closing: It is important to seal the incisions. This could be done by using a skin glue or sutures. 
  • Step 4 Results: Once the appearance of swelling and scars subsides, the eye area looks more rejuvenated and contoured. 

After the procedure, you will be guided by your doctor on how to take care of your operated area and how to tackle swelling, light sensitivity, double vision, pain, etc. 

Are you awake during blepharoplasty?

Yes, you are awake during blepharoplasty, but do not mistake being awake for experiencing severe pain. Under local anaesthetic, blepharoplasty is often referred to as an “Awake” Eyelid Lift. The recipient just receives a local anaesthetic at the beginning of the surgery rather than a general anaesthesia that would make them completely asleep. 

To keep them calm and at ease throughout the procedure, the “Awake” patients are occasionally also given a calming stimulant. But contrary to what the name suggests, patients are awake throughout the procedure. Compared to a conventional eyelid lift, blepharoplasty under local anesthesia has a faster recovery and improved results. Although it may appear strange initially, an Awake Blepharoplasty is a much less complicated procedure than the drowsy, conventional options.

Is blepharoplasty major surgery?

Now the question for the patient is whether blepharoplasty is a major surgery. Yes, blepharoplasty is a major surgery as it is performed for medical reasons. Patients with ptosis, ectropion, entropion, chronic dermatitis, etc. undergo blepharoplasty. Here is more detail on these conditions:

  • Ptosis: Ptosis describes the sagging of one or both upper eyelids. It could already exist at birth or appear later in adulthood. Ptosis is treated surgically by reducing the tendon that elevates the sagging eyelid.
  • Ectropion: This medical term refers to the eyelid sagging, which causes it to tilt outwards. This may result in dried or runny eyes as well as increased sensitivity to air and brightness. Ectropion can happen for a variety of causes, such as getting older, having specific skin disorders, or getting an eye injury.
  • Entropion: The lower eyelid turning inward towards the eye is known as entropion. This could irritate the eye, which leaves the cornea open to inflammation. Entropion may be brought on by aging, allergies, and inflammation in the eyelid.
  • Chronic dermatitis: In some instances, extra skin on the upper eyelid can lead to repeated itching of the area all around the eye.

Blepharoplasty is done for various conditions, as mentioned above; it is not only limited to making a person look youthful and more awake but also has clear medical reasons for its performance.

Is a blepharoplasty painful?

No, the procedure is not painful; any pain experienced after the surgery is managed with the consumption of painkillers. The patient usually carries on with everyday tasks without any major difficulties.

Short Summary

A blepharoplasty is performed in four major steps giving anesthesia, creating an incision, closing an incision, and results. During the procedure, a person is kept awake under a local anesthetic to keep away any pain. Blepharoplasty is a major procedure that helps people attain their eye health goals.

How do qualify for eyelid surgery?

Anyone who wants to qualify for eyelid surgery should keep realistic expectations from the procedure. Blepharoplasty won’t definitely improve wrinkling, heavy under-eye bags, or drooping eyebrows, but it may make you appear better and feel more confident. Here are some requirements for you to qualify for eyelid surgery: 

  • Should not be a smoker
  • Should not have any health-related ailments that can impair healing 
  • Should not have any chronic eye conditions 

This procedure is gender-neutral and anyone who wishes to go through it may visit their doctor for better advice. Generally, the surgery is performed on old people or individuals above the age of 35. But anybody younger can also opt for the procedure if they suffer from any eye-related generic issues.

Who is not a good candidate for eyelid surgery?

You are not a good candidate if your medical history reflects diseases or disorders that may complicate your health post-surgery. It is also important to keep realistic goals before going through the procedure. Here are some diseases or disorders that may increase complications and may make you an unfit candidate: 

  • Hypertension 
  • Diabetes
  • Heart disease
  • Chronic dry-eye
  • Thyroid disorder
  • Circulation disorders

Most individuals with these diseases or disorders may have problems recovering post-surgery and thus may not be the best candidate for eyelid surgery.

What is the test for eyelid surgery?

The eye test done for eyelid surgery is Ptosis Visual Field Test, a test intended to determine the degree to which your eyelids are restricting your eyesight. This test is done in some simple steps:

  • Both eyes are tested approximately twice. 
  • The initial test is done with the eyelids in their sagged position
  • The second test is done by taping the eyelids and brows with a safe skin tape
  • The difference in sight is measured between both tests to see how the sagged eyes hinder the visual sight of a person

The ptosis visual field test is done on an insurance basis in most clinical settings, although. It is also the one that tells us about the difference in vision with and without the sagged eyelids.

How can I tell if I need eyelid surgery?

An eyelid surgery is carried out when the patient complains of having sagged, heavy, or swollen eyelids or under-eye bags. This procedure focuses on eliminating these complaints and making the patient look more youthful. If you are someone with similar complaints, you should consider the procedure. Here are some questions to consider before you make up your mind: 

  • Even after getting enough rest, do your eyes ever look exhausted or swollen?
  • Do you frequently suffer from under-eye bags?
  • Do your bottom eyelids droop and make the whites of your iris visible? 
  • Do your upper eyelids have sagging tissue?
  • Do your top eyelids sag so low that you are experiencing problems seeing?
  • Do you find it difficult to maintain open eyes because your top eyelids seem bulky?

If you have answered these questions positively, it is recommended to see your cosmetic surgeon carry out the procedure successfully.

Short Summary

To be a good candidate for eyelid surgery, it is important to set realistic goals related to the surgery. Anyone who suffers from diabetes, heart disorders, thyroid, etc. might refrain from getting the procedure as it may increase the complications. The ptosis visual test is performed to know if a person needs the procedure.

Blepharoplasty Before and After Result

Blepharoplasty Before and After Result
Blepharoplasty Before and After Result

How long after blepharoplasty do you see the final results?

The patient’s most askable question is how soon and after how much time you can expect the result after having blepharoplasty surgery. The final results after a blepharoplasty can be observed after six weeks. You may notice some swelling since the tissue takes time to adjust itself. But your eyes will look noticeably younger, rejuvenated, and awake. Rare lines can still be moderately pink for approximately six months after an operation. They might ultimately become a faint, almost undetectable white mark. It is important to remember that your recovery is also based on the factors listed below: 

  • Age
  • Your general well-being
  • how well-suited your skin is
  • The capacity of your body to inflate or bruise
  • Your pain threshold
  • What forms of cosmetic procedures (upper or lower eyelid surgery) are performed
  • If you undergo other treatments besides having your eyelids operated 

After any cosmetic procedure, it is important to be patient and include the practices recommended by your doctor for post-surgery recovery.

What is the success rate for blepharoplasty?

Even though blepharoplasty has a high chance of success, it is still crucial to thoroughly examine the client before operation and to create a reliable operative plan. Some of the side effects of the procedure include:  

  • Asymmetry
  • Swelling
  • Inflammation
  • Lagophthalmos
  • Recurrent keratopathy
  • Canthal wrinkles
  • Ectropion

Impairment of eyesight is nonetheless a highly serious health issue, even though it can be addressed. These serious side effects are more frequently observed following bottom eyelid blepharoplasty procedures than upper eyelid surgery.

Will I look different after blepharoplasty?

A properly done blepharoplasty should make you appear more alert and younger, but it should not alter the structure or expression of your eyes. When performing your procedure, a trained medical professional will take into consideration your facial qualities, objectives, and intentions and will employ a variety of methods to produce the results you wish.

Some of these methods include shifting or eliminating extra fat and skin as well as concealing scars within the eyelid or the eye’s organic creases.

You will appear more vibrant, awake, and free as an outcome, and most significantly, you will still feel and appear like yourself.

Short Summary

Blepharoplasty is a safe procedure but has certain side effects, like Lagophthalmos, Recurrent keratopathy, Canthal wrinkles, etc. The final results can be seen after six weeks but remember the results are also affected by factors like your age, pain tolerance, the type of surgery performed, etc. 

How long does recovery take after blepharoplasty?

The full recovery after a blepharoplasty could take up to 1-3 months. There might be swelling and puffiness around your eyes for 1-3 weeks. The person might be able to return to his or her daily chores after 10-14 days of good rest.

What is the fastest way to recover from a blepharoplasty?

There is no fastest way to recover from a blepharoplasty. The recovery takes place in stages in accordance with time. The first week after the surgery the patient will have swollen eyes and the incision marks will still appear fresh. In the second week, the patient might feel comfortable with going out and the swelling will be less prominent. The full recovery takes place by the sixth week. To make your recovery less painful, here are some tips to follow:

  • Use an ice pack to reduce swelling.
  • Avoid consuming medications like aspirin, naproxen, ibuprofen, etc. As they can increase bleeding. 
  • Do not consume supplements, including Vitamin E, fish oil, or cranberry extracts, as they may hinder the recovery process.
  • Always wear sunglasses and sunscreen before heading out to avoid any sun damage
  • Make sure to sleep more, as sleeping gives your body enough time to heal.
  • Do not perform any strenuous physical activity. Any heavy physical movement can increase the blood flow to the eyes causing them to bleed. 
  • Avoid consuming alcohol or smoking. Nicotine in cigarettes has been particularly found to hinder recovery from cosmetic procedures.

Following instructions given by your doctor for post-surgery maintenance and recovery is a crucial step. Keep yourself calm and involve all the instructions post-surgery.

What can you not do after blepharoplasty?

After the surgery, it is recommended to avoid any form of strenuous activity and give your body enough rest for it to heal without any complications. Here are some suggestions on what you should avoid after a blepharoplasty:

  • Do not wear contact lenses for at least 2 weeks post-surgery.
  • Avoid driving until you are off pain medication. This takes about 5-10 days
  • To prevent swelling in the surgical area, sleep with your head raised over your chest by taking support from 2-3 pillows. 
  • Do not get worried about the swelling you experience post-surgery; it will eventually fade out. 

The sutures are usually removed within the first week after the surgery has taken place. So, it is important to take care of the operated region.

How long will my eyes feel tight after blepharoplasty?

Blepharoplasty: after treatments, you could notice stiffness surrounding your eyes for one to two weeks. All of this is typical, and the majority of the patients agree that the benefits far exceed any adverse effects following the operation.

Short Summary

It might take up to six weeks to fully recover after the surgery. You will be asked to follow certain instructions, like resting more, avoiding any strenuous workout, applying ice packs to reduce swelling, etc. It is important to follow these to recover without any severe complications. 

What are the Benefits of Blepharoplasty?

Blepharoplasty benefits
Benefits of Eyelid Surgery

Blepharoplasty is a low-cost cosmetic procedure that is primarily performed to help a patient look younger and get rid of the excess fat that sags upon the eyelids. The procedure has its own benefits, some of which are listed below: 

  • Makes you look younger 
  • Rejuvenation of the face 
  • Makes you feel more confident 
  • Your forehead appears smoother
  • Vision correction with minimal scarring 
  • A long-lasting procedure
  • High success rate with fewer misunderstandings

An eyelift surgery, as discussed, has several benefits, from making you feel confident to helping correct vision with less scarring and complications. It is one of the most performed surgeries in the world. 

Does upper blepharoplasty change eye shape?

No, upper blepharoplasty cannot change the eye shape. Any blepharoplasty performed can only make the person look younger, awake, or less worn out but cannot provide the client with an eye shape that is not natural for their face structure.

Do eyes look bigger after blepharoplasty?

Yes. By removing extra skin from the area surrounding the eyes and elevating drooping skin, double eyelid surgery may make your eyes appear larger. There are a few essential concepts you must know, though.

First off, there is no real way to expand your eyes The enlargement of eyes can only last temporarily. Second, if your lower eyelids are more youthful than your upper eyelids, you could simply get an upper blepharoplasty to give your eyes a larger appearance.

Short Summary

Blepharoplasty has several benefits, like making the patient look younger, vision correction, providing a boost to confidence, etc. but on the other hand, it is important to remember that the procedure does not help change the structure of the eye. Some people opt for surgery to make their eyes look larger but the enlargement lasts temporarily. 

Are there any risks in having a blepharoplasty?

Almost all surgeries have risks attached to them, although blepharoplasty is considered one of the safest surgical procedures it to has certain risks attached to it apart from anesthesia reaction or formation of blood clots. Here are some of the risks involved in having a blepharoplasty: 

  • Bleeding and inflammation
  • Itchy and dry eyes
  • Inability to close one’s eyes or other issues with the eyelids
  • Significant scarring
  • Damage to the eye muscles
  • Discoloration of the skin
  • Vision briefly becoming blurry or, very rarely, losing vision

Certain diseases or disorders may also contribute as risk factors in having a blepharoplasty, like heart disease or diabetes. Discuss with your doctor to know more about the risk factors involved. 

Blepharoplasty Complications
Risks of Blepharoplasty

How common are blepharoplasty complications?

Even though blepharoplasty is a procedure with few risks, when they do arise, it may have serious challenges or implications. However, while being uncommon, most of the time these side effects are manageable when handled by a trained doctor who is familiar with the anatomy of the eye and orbital regions.

Some of the risks include:

  • Hematoma
  • Chemosis
  • Lower eyelid malpositioning
  • Ocular closure inability
  • Epicanthus
  • Lagophthalmos
  • Eyebrow ptosis
  • Senile orbit
  • Diplopia 

Blepharoplasty does not commonly involve any serious complications like any other surgery; it does have risks but with if a proper procedure is followed, these risks and complications do not generally occur.

Can blepharoplasty cause nerve damage?

Yes, one could experience nerve damage post-blepharoplasty but it is temporary since the nerve endings grow after a point of time. If the sensation does not resolve after a month, it is better to visit your doctor.

Short Summary

Blepharoplasty involves very few risks and complications, some of which include significant scarring, damage to the eye muscles, discoloration of the skin, etc. These can be tackled if the procedure is performed by a skilled doctor with good experience. 

How long does a blepharoplasty last?

If you choose to treat your upper eyelids, you can anticipate your outcomes to persist for between five and seven years. By giving your skin’s health the utmost importance, you can prolong the life of your upper eyelid procedure results. You should immediately take measures to maintain the healthiest possible levels of collagen and elastin. Since excess subcutaneous fat is primarily removed during lower blepharoplasty, the results are long-lasting.

Are blepharoplasty results permanent?

The results of a blepharoplasty depend upon the kind of surgery performed. Upper eyelid surgery generally lasts for 5-7 years but lower eyelid surgery lasts a lifetime. 

How many times can you have blepharoplasty?

Blepharoplasty on the lower eyelids is generally only performed once but for upper eyelids, it is performed every 5-7 years. If the patient goes through any severe side effects or adverse complications, the surgery can be performed multiple times as advised by the doctor.

Short Summary

An eyelid surgery generally lasts up to 5-7 years if it is an upper eyelid blepharoplasty on the other hand, a lower blepharoplasty lasts a lifetime. There is almost no need of getting a blepharoplasty again if it is a lower blepharoplasty, whereas an upper blepharoplasty might need a redo every 5-7 years.

What is the cost of blepharoplasty surgery in India?

The price of blepharoplasty operation in India or elsewhere may differ, and it will depend on the kind of facility you select as well as the area. It also relies on the treatment complications, which differ from person to person. In India, blepharoplasty typically costs between 60,000 to 1,50,000 rupees.

Which country is best for blepharoplasty?

One of the most common plastic operations performed worldwide is an eyelid procedure. This is because both men and women choose this operation in significant numbers each year.  The best countries for blepharoplasty are:

  • Turkey
  • Korea
  • Singapore
  • China
  • Thailand

It has been found that the Asian population generally indulges in blepharoplasty to give their eyes a more Western touch. This may seem controversial but the best countries to get a blepharoplasty are also mostly Asian.

Is blepharoplasty worth the money?

Its answer is yes; the surgery has multiple benefits, especially for people who complain of looking tired all the time and have an issue with vision due to saggy eyelids. This procedure is considered extremely beneficial for old people, as they are more prone to saggy eyelids and puffy eyes. 

Here are some benefits of the surgery:

  • Blepharoplasty is a treatment that is reasonably priced
  • The surgery provides a significant, notable cosmetic enhancement. 
  • The patient appears more awake, open, and lively.
  • Recovery is quick and incredibly doable.
  • An upper eyelid lift might enhance vision for some patients.

If you are considering a blepharoplasty, do not hold back; it has several benefits and applies to all genders. Get your appointment today.


Blepharoplasty is an eyelid surgical procedure carried out to reduce puffiness and sagginess around the eyes. This surgery is of two main types, upper eyelid surgery, and lower eyelid surgery, respectively. The recovery from this procedure is not painful or tiresome. A person may require to get an upper eyelid surgery every 5-7 years but a lower blepharoplasty lasts a lifetime. For more information and procedure-related queries, connect with your surgeon today.


  • Yanoff M, et al., eds. Cosmetic blepharoplasty and browplasty. In: Ophthalmology. 5th ed. Elsevier; 2019. Accessed March 1, 2022. (Link)
  • Eyelid surgery. American Academy of Ophthalmology. Accessed March 1, 2022. (Link)
  • Eyelid surgery. American Academy of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery. Accessed March 1, 2022. (Link)
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Dr. Sandeep Bhasin

Dr. Sandeep Bhasin is a highly skilled cosmetic surgeon and the owner of Care Well Medical Centre in Delhi. With extensive expertise in cosmetic and plastic surgery, he is dedicated to providing exceptional care and transformative results to his patients. Dr. Sandeep Bhasin obtained his MBBS and MS in General Surgery from Aligarh Muslim University (AMU) and served as a consultant at Bhaktshreshtha Kamalakarpant Laxman Walawalkar Hospital, Diagnostic & Research Centre. Specializing in various procedures such as face-lifts, rhinoplasty, liposuction, breast augmentation, hair transplant and many others, Dr. Sandeep Bhasin is committed to enhancing his patients' natural beauty and self-confidence.

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Care Well Medical Centre offers cosmetic surgery services with a focus on safety and natural-looking results. Trust our experienced team for your desired transformation.


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